
Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Break in the Rain

Anyone who knows anything about living in the Pacific Northwest knows all about RAIN.  We actually had a really nice end of summer and beginning of fall with warm and dry weather, however, that's gone now :)  We're back to rain, rain and more rain and it will probably be like this until next July.  Fun!  Loading and unloading a toddler from the car in the rain is not a good time.  She's not a fan of the wet stuff either.  Anyways, today was a beautiful day so we decided to get our booties outside to take advantage of it!

How cute are her boots?  I'm pretty obsessed with all of the Old Navy boots right now!  So adorable and playful- and perfect for a toddler who is growing at lightning speed!  Her Daddio would not be a fan of her growing out of Uggs in two months.  Don't say I never do anything for ya hoosband!  ;)

 I think this is her get that camera outta here face.

I'm not really into Halloween... I know, I know, I need to get into it for the little one.  I'm working on it!  I'd rather just decorate for fall and let that carry over to Thanksgiving :)  I'm loving white pumpkins this year.

Hopefully we can make this Halloween candy last a week.  We're suckers for sweet stuff around this house!

Now I just need to finish up the decorating and decide what Miss P is going to be for Halloween.  I can't seem to settle on anything!  What's a Momma gotta do to find a cute cow costume?!?

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I hear you on the RAIN in the PNW! We were poured on today at the pumpkin patch. But it felt good to enjoy the day despite being wet. You had a great dry day for these photos!
